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MAY 19 TO OCTOBER 31, 2021

Living the place: VALÉRIE SONNIER

With the support of Conseil départemental d’Indre-et-Loire

Gathered together by Anne-Laure Chamboissier, artistic curator, about ten artists were invited to live in places* in Touraine from spring to autumn 2021 following a creative residency. The theme "Living in the place" takes on its full meaning at a time when everyone is reviewing their lifestyles and the spaces that surround them. The artists renterrogate what constitutes these places, whether through the prism of their history, their architecture or their function. These works draw a new and sensitive cartography of the territory through their singular view of these places.

Montrésor is a vast installation (drawings, film, photographs, sound) that the spectator is led to discover as he wanders through the interior space of the castle. The drawings blend in with the objects in the castle, in addition to the framed family photographs on chests of drawers. The drawing allows the artist to establish a "portrait" of the place by exploring it in its smallest de-tails. The film and the photographs for follow the description of the place and pay homage to the lives that have passed through them in the form of a ghost. A white form faithful to the first idea that one can have of a ghost from childhood and which represents all the ghosts of the place. Valérie Sonnier does not only strive to evoke the memory of places, but also to intimately link individual and collective memory.

*Castle of Azay Le Rideau, Chartreuse du Liget - Chemillé-sur-Indrois, Castle of Montrésor, Collegiale of Bueil-en-Touraine, Castle of Gizeux, Castle of Valmer-Chançay, Castle of Champchevrier - Cléré Les Pins, Priory of St Cosme- House of Ronsard- La Riche, Museum of Balzac- Castle of Saché, La Deviniere- House of Rabelais- Seuilly, Domaine de Candé-Monts, Eco Museum of the Veron.

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Valérie Sonnier