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JUNE 15 TO OCTOBER 11 2021


With the support of Conseil départemental d’Indre-et-Loire

Gathered together by Anne-Laure Chamboissier, artistic curator, about ten artists were invited to live in places* in Touraine from spring to autumn 2021 following a creative residency. The theme "Living in the place" takes on its full meaning at a time when everyone is reviewing their lifestyles and the spaces that surround them. The artists renterrogate what constitutes these places, whether through the prism of their history, their architecture or their function. These works draw a new and sensitive cartography of the territory through their singular view of these places.

Champchevrier Castle has in its collection the tapestries of the "Love of the Gods" suite. Composed of seven elements, four in the King’s Chamber and three in the King’s Cabinet, this series due to Simon Vouet’s cardboards is a priori complete. But according to sources found on the internet, the theme of the "Amours des Dieux" would include other subjects treated by Vouet. The idea that some elements of this series may have disappeared is also evoked... A doubt arises and the hypothesis of the missing image invokes the temptation to "complete" the series. In order not to fall into a form of anecdotal illustration, Diego Movilla works freely. It is about a kind of imaginary investigation, a "playground" around the image and the visual, a final conclusion in large format, with a lot of information, but somehow "damaged", pixelated, halfway between high and low definition, and in a way blurred by the passage of time, but described with the codes of the 21st century.

DIEGO MOVILLA is a Spanish visual artist who has been living in France since 2002. Graduate dof the Bilbao School of Fine Arts, he is developing an artistic practice that questions the cur-rent forms of representation of the world. Images of objects, objects of paintings, he uses dra-wing, painting and works in volume to question our memory of the history of art and our perception of the present time. All his works dialogue both with the past of art and the research of the practices and techniques of his time. He has notably exhibited his work at the art centre Les Tanneries in Amilly, at the EXUO gallery in Tours, at the Château du Rivau in Lémeré, at the ARTBORETUM in Argenton sur Creuse, at the festival Accè(s)à Pau... He has collaborated and exhibited with associations such as Groupe Laura et Mode d’emploi in Tours, Le POCTB in Or-léans or Interface et Ateliers Vortex in Dijon.

*Castle of Azay Le Rideau, Chartreuse du Liget - Chemillé-sur-Indrois, Castle of Montrésor, Collegiale of Bueil-en-Touraine, Castle of Gizeux, Castle of Valmer-Chançay, Castle of Champchevrier - Cléré Les Pins, Priory of St Cosme- House of Ronsard- La Riche, Museum of Balzac- Castle of Saché, La Deviniere- House of Rabelais- Seuilly, Domaine de Candé-Monts, Eco Museum of the Véron.

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Diego Movilla