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ARCO Madrid - February 2014

Attempt(s) at Exhausting

With Nicolas Aiello, Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, Peter Downsbrough, Benoît Fougeirol, On Kawara, Gauthier Keyaerts, David Lamelas, Claire Morel et Steve Roden.

Curators : Anne-Laure Chamboissier et Christophe Daviet-Thery

In 1974, for three days running and at different moments of the day, Georges Perec tried to record everything he could see in Place Saint-Sulpice, where he had set up home. This Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris, which would be published in 1975, acts as a point of departure for this proposition, organized around the notion of recording and representing the urban space. While the etymology of the word representation gives “the act of replacing (something) before someone’s eyes”, which tends to give representation a restrictive definition, this proposition strives, on the contrary, to tackle its different forms, be it through image, word or sound.

This polymorphous project is incorporated in the actual space of the city around a fixed point, a place of contemporary art, Cruce, in Rue Docteur Fourquet, and is organized around a piece by Claire Morel and two in situ works by Benoît Fougeirol and Nicolas Aiello, which are echoed by books by Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, Peter Downsbrough, and On Kawara, a film by David Lamelas, and an choral work, orchestrated and composed by Gauthier Keyaert from environmental sounds gleaned here and there by artists and musicians today : Scanner, David Shea, Steve Roden, Jocelyn Robert, Simon Pyke (Freeform), Rainier Lericolais ou encore Stefan Schneider.

Like an extension in the city’s actual space, and slipping into the city’s interstices, a poster commission was organized with Steve Roden. A way of thus raising the issue of art within the public place and the forms it should take.

Like an echo, Attempt(s) at Exhausting is being developed actually within the ARCO, as part of the section As Tables are Shelves, in order to bring the urban space into an artistic context in the form of a bookshop with titles by Francis Alys, Andrea Branzi, Peter Downsbrough, Yona Friedman, Ingo Giezendanner, Toine Horvers, Jorge Macchi, Matt Mulican, Beat Streuli …

Cruce Contemporaneo
Dr. Fourquet 5 28012 Madrid

Pabellones 7 y 9 de la Feria de Madrid

Steve Roden